Kamis, 29 Desember 2011

Richard Bona : " The Ten Shades of Blues " 2009

"I like each of my albums to have a theme, a project behind it. This time I chose the blues. I look at the blues from the universal angle: you can find it in Africa, in America and in India. People put a style to it, a style with guitar and vocals. But I see it first as a scale, one that's present in different traditions and expressions in music. Ten Shades Of Blues means ten nuances, ten different ways of playing the blues

Track Listing:

1. Take One
2. Shiva Mantra
3. Good Times
4. M’Bemba Mama
5. Kurumalete
6. Souleymane
7. African Cowboy
8. Esukudu
9. Yara’s Blues
10. Sona Moyo
11. Camer Secrets

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